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League of Women Voters of Boulder County
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
Serving the People of Boulder County, Colorado
Date: 3/26/2024
Subject: Action Alert - Living Wage
From: League of Women Voters of Boulder County

Asking you to complete a survey


Attend a public meeting


In June 2023, LWVBC’s board approved joining a coalition of over 40 organizations who are fighting to raise the minimum wage in municipalities across Boulder County. The League believes that workers should be paid a self-sufficiency wage—what a full-time worker needs to pay basic living expenses without assistance. Unincorporated Boulder County is already on a minimum wage schedule to reach $25/hour by 2030 (6 years from now). The municipalities in Boulder County are currently in the community engagement phase of this effort. That’s why we need your help.

The Cities of Boulder, Longmont, Lafayette, and Louisville, and the Town of Erie are collectively exploring a potential increase in the local minimum wage in their respective communities above the Colorado state minimum wage. Local governments would like to hear directly from the community to better understand how much people are currently being paid, opinions about raising the minimum wage, and any positive and negative impacts that may come to individuals, businesses, and the community.

What you can do!

You can fill out this quick survey by going to one of these links: English or Spanish.

Attend one of the community listening events & comment in favor of increasing the minimum wage.  Click the corresponding link for details and to RSVP:

Who We Are...

The League of Women Voters of Boulder County is a non-partisan, political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy.  Members are encouraged to speak/write on their own behalf.

An excerpt from the LWVBC Minimum Wage position:

"We believe that alleviating poverty is the shared responsibility of government, employers, individuals, and non-profit assistance organizations. All sectors should be involved in setting an adequate minimum wage or living wage. The living wage is the minimum required to avoid poverty without government assistance and subsidies."


Together, we can ensure a living wage for all in Boulder County