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League of Women Voters of Boulder County
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
Serving the People of Boulder County, Colorado

News / Articles

Resist Racial and Gender Inequity in Our Democracy (writes LWVBC Co-President)

Published on 6/21/2019

Resist racial and gender inequity in our democracy
By Peggy Leech
Whether we like to admit it or not, racial and gender inequity are endemic in our political systems. From the first land grabs of white colonists from Native American people to the current debates on legal rights, racism and heterosexism are a major root cause of injustice for people of color, immigrants, women and gender non-conforming residents.

   Whether we like to admit it or not, racial and gender inequity are endemic in our political systems. From the first land grabs of white colonists from Native American people to the current debates on legal rights, racism and heterosexism are a major root cause of injustice for people of color, immigrants, women and gender non-conforming residents.

   Oftentimes, organizations working to strengthen and defend democracy unintentionally perpetuate racism and sexism. The League of Women Voters, which was founded in 1920 after a decades-long struggle for women’s suffrage, celebrated passage of the 19th Amendment in which white women – not all women — were granted the right to vote. Locally, the League of Women Voters of Boulder County has historically struggled to fully include all community members in organizational membership and leadership.

   We at LWVBC believe that our democratic process can only truly succeed if it works for all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender orientation, age or ability. We are renewing our effort to tackle non-inclusive practices in our own organization and our political process as a whole.

   In that spirit, and with the generous support of the Community Foundation of Boulder County, LWVBC is hosting a series of community conversations about racism and sexism to which all Boulder County community members are invited.

   On Monday, June 24, we will host a session on “White Anti-Racist Allyship: Beyond the Basics,” with noted anti-oppression presenter Regan Byrd. We’ll deepen our understanding of racial oppression, race privilege and our mutual roles in combating racism in our everyday lives.

   On July 8, Byrd will lead a session on “Dismantling Toxic Masculinity” to explore and challenge how men are socialized to interact with each other, women and others impacted by sexism and heterosexism, and how men think about themselves.

Both sessions will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Muse Performance Center, 200 E. South Boulder Road in Lafayette. The sessions are free and open to the public. You can find more information about the sessions and register at

   It’s not easy to uncover the ways in which our beliefs and actions create or perpetuate injustice. But conversations about, and action on, racism and sexism are essential for everyone — regardless of our personal identities or political affiliations — if we sincerely desire a robust, fair and equitable democracy.

Please join LWVBC as we work to make democracy work for all.

Peggy Leech is president of the League of Women Voters of Boulder County.