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League of Women Voters of Boulder County
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
Serving the People of Boulder County, Colorado

News / Articles

Support Our Young People

Published on 2/25/2018

What do DREAMers and high school students advocating for changes in gun laws have in common? They are both underrepresented groups, not yet able to vote, who are speaking out about the inaction of our elected officials. Our young people are tired of partisan politics and want to see solutions.


The League of Women Voters of Boulder County, a nonpartisan organization working for change in public policy through education and advocacy, applauds the efforts of our young people. We are encouraged that they are choosing to participate in democracy in an attempt to bring about positive changes in our nation.


We urge our elected officials to work together and find common ground on both of these issues.


The DREAMers have now been living in limbo for almost 6 months, which is unconscionable. Most Americans favor the DREAM act, and it has bipartisan support in Congress. Yet party politics are standing in the way of a solution for hundreds of thousands of young people in our country. Time is up: find a way to pass the DREAM Act now.


Students have been living in fear of gun violence at their schools all of their lives (Columbine HS, 1999). Some children face gun violence on the streets of their neighborhoods on a daily basis.  We support the right of citizens to bear arms under the 2nd amendment, and we believe common sense rules are needed to protect our public safety. Strong federal measures must limit private citizen access to semi-automatic assault weapons and close loopholes in background checks.


We will do our job of registering to vote those high school students who turn 18. When will our elected officials do their job of passing legislation to protect our younger generation from gun violence in their schools and neighborhoods?


Peggy Leech, President

League of Women Voters of Boulder County