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League of Women Voters of Boulder County
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
Serving the People of Boulder County, Colorado

News / Articles

Join the Climate Change Coalition

Published on 6/26/2017

Ruth Stemler: Colorado should join a coalition of states on climate

The League of Women Voters of Boulder County applauds Gov. John Hickenlooper's statement addressing President Trump's decision to withdraw from the... Paris accord:

"It is a serious mistake to back out of the Paris accord. This is a historic global agreement between almost every nation on earth to address the single most pressing issue facing humanity."

The League urges Colorado to join a coalition of states led by California, Washington and New York working to reduce carbon emissions. History informs that reform in the U.S. often originates from state and local activism. A coalition of states representing a significant share of the country's population and economic activity can and should take the role the federal government has abandoned and seek official status with the countries of the world that have signed the Paris agreement.

This is an opportunity for Colorado to lead in addressing this pressing issue.

Ruth Stemler

president, League of Women Voters of Boulder County
