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VOTER REGISTRATION DRIVE & Voter Outreach - Longmont Library
About this event
LWVBC will be having a voter registration drive table at the Longmont Library (lobby area) from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM on Tuesday, October 8th. The library is hosting a popular author event that afternoon starting at 4pm.
Four TRAINED LWVBC voter registration drive volunteers are needed to assist community members in registering to vote or update their voter registration record. To assist with the event, CLICK HERE for direct access to the LWVBC volunteer sign-up page.
Along with assisting community members with voter registration, LWVBC volunteers will also be promoting the League's online voters' guide VOTE411.ORG, which provides nonpartisan election information for candidate contests at the national, state, and local levels, as well as straightforward and impartial ballot issue information.

Voter Registration Drive
Registration Info
Registration is not Required