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League of Women Voters of Boulder County
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
Serving the People of Boulder County, Colorado

Healthcare Committee

Table Display at LWVUS Convention
Linda Mahan

I was asked by the national network of Leaguers working on healthcare reform if our LWVCO Healthcare Committee would host a display table at the Convention. The table would have resources to support Leagues in their education and advocacy on the issue. It's also a great opportunity to network with members about what they do in their states. I will submit the application to LWVUS this week.

If we are granted a table I will ask for help from our Committee in collecting materials and staffing the table June 23-26 in Denver.

I'd like to hear what resources you find helpful in your work. (websites,films, organizational materials)

Linda Mahan

LWV Larimer County, CO

Linda Mahan

The request for a table at the LWVUS Convention was granted!

This will be a place for informational resources to support leagues in their education and action around promoting universal health care AND a place to network with delegates who are working on this issue.

Do you have recommendations for materials?

Are you willing to help staff the table during the "Experience Center" hours on June 23-26? Observers and nondelegates may be permitted to assist in this way.

Please reply to this forum post.

Thank you,

Linda Mahan LWV Larimer County, CO

Sandra Schuster


I am willing to staff the table for some of the time.I don't have any recommended materials at the moment, but I am thinking about it.

Sandy Schuster

Quoted Text

The request for a table at the LWVUS Convention was granted!

This will be a place for informational resources to support leagues in their education and action around promoting universal health care AND a place to network with delegates who are working on this issue.

Do you have recommendations for materials?

Are you willing to help staff the table during the "Experience Center" hours on June 23-26? Observers and nondelegates may be permitted to assist in this way.

Please reply to this forum post.

Thank you,

Linda Mahan LWV Larimer County, CO

Linda Mahan

Thanks, Sandy, for offering to help at the table.

Here are two ideas for adding interaction to the table.

The first is just to get hold of one of those "standing roulette wheels" with the colored "pie slices" where you write in your questions. People spin them to get a question to answer.... They always seem pretty popular (unless there are a gazillion of them in one space). Does anyone have one or know where to get one?

The other is to have a box where people put in cards on which they've written "What I like most about my health care". Or "What I like most about my health insurance plan". or "what I like the least about my health insurance...." No names, just giving us a lot of what they are thinking. Signed or unsigned.

Linda Mahan

LWV Larimer County, CO

Elaine Branjord

Because a free standing roulette wheel is so cumbersome to obtain and transport, I created a compact game which is fun to use and easy to transport. Ed Stein, a retired cartoonist from the Rocky Mountain News, created several cartoons to use in the Colorado Care campaign in 2016. I especially enjoy the little frogs sitting in the status quo pond allowing the heat to be turned up. They will soon be cooked! I created a little game where folks answer multiple choice questions and receive a little plastic frog for playing. Young children will play for a little frog but do need adult help to read the question and choose an answer. Leads to good conversations with the adults. I have attached photos of my little pond and the frogs with questions on the back. My friend and super advocate for Medicare for All, Julie Rowan-Zoch, created the laminated patient/frogs.

Linda Mahan

Elaine, Thanks for this great alternative which will accomplish our objective. I'll be in touch to get more details.

Linda Mahan

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