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Home2025 Election

2025 Election - November 4, 2025

For each primary and general election, the  League of Women Voters provides nonpartisan election information to help you be a more informed voter.  The LWV has two missions: 

  • Education—nonpartisan information on candidates and ballot measures
  • Advocacy—our positions on the ballot measuress.
LWVBC sponsors two types of live and recorded sessions:
  • Candidate forums - for races around the county.  As a non-partisan organization, the league does not take positions on candidate races.
  • Ballot measure presentations -  information about local and statewide ballot measures including the league's position on some measures.
In addition to these sessions, LWV provides detailed written information about ballot measures. We support or oppose a proposal only if we have a position on its underlying issues. To reach a position, League members have studied the issue in depth and found areas of member consensus or agreement . LWV members reconsider these positions annually.  If we have no position that applies to a particular proposal, we take a "neutral" stance.


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Come back before the election for more information!

VOTE411 - Complete election information for YOU

Visit for further nonpartisan information on candidates and issues and to build your own personal Voter's Guide. Launched by the League of Women Voters Education Fund (LWVEF) in October of 2006, is a "one-stop-shop" for election-related information.

Visite para obtenir más información no partidista sobre candidatos y temas y para crear su propia Guia del Votante personal. Lanzado por el Fondo de Educación de la Liga de Mujeres Votantes (LWVEF) en octubre de 2006, es una "ventanilla única" para obtener información relacionada con les elecciones.