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Presidents' Letter Feb 2021

Jennifer L Bales | Published on 1/31/2021

Reflection and Action!

By Elizabeth Crowe


2020: a year of unprecedented challenges to our health, economy, democratic processes and the very social fabric of our country. If it’s true that “hindsight is 20/20”, then it is incumbent upon the League to use what we observed and learned from last year, to make 2021 one in which we deepen our commitment to a just and fair democracy.

The League of Women Voters is fortunate to have YOU as a member on this important journey. Your membership is helping build and use our power for positive change. Already in 2021 League continued to defend the 2020 election results from unproven claims of election fraud. We called for the impeachment of President Trump for his role encouraging insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, and condemned white supremacy. Our local LWVBC members participated in state and national League dialogue and planning meetings about longer-term actions – like promoting civics education and media literacy – that are necessary to protect and strengthen our democratic processes. We called our members to action to support the For the People Act to expand and enshrine voting rights and address campaign finance issues to support civic engagement for everyone, especially for people of color and other historically-excluded people.  

How might you want to use your skills and passion in 2021 to empower voters and defend democracy? This newsletter edition contains information and updates about some of the national issues mentioned above, but we’re also working with LWV of Colorado for policy advocacy in the upcoming state legislative session and creating new opportunities for local action including on alternative voting methods; understanding and helping address voting and other civic engagement barriers for survivors of domestic violence; promoting county- and municipal-level racial equity plans; and more.

The survey in this VOTER will help our LWVBC leaders connect you with activities and leadership opportunities that most interest you, and that can result in the best possible community impacts. Please take a few minutes to respond!

Let’s make this year one not only of reflection and learning, but also of action.